by Jo Voight | May 1, 2019 | Best Practice Bookkeeping, Small Business, Xero Advisor
Are you Aware of Your Obligations When Employing People? Australia has some of the most complex payroll laws in the world. There is a great deal to take care of when employing people and increasingly we are seeing the Fair Work Ombudsman taking legal action against...
by Jo Voight | Apr 3, 2019 | Bookkeeper BAS Agent, ICB Certified Bookkeeper Fellow Member, Small Business
Single Touch Payroll (STP) is Now Required for All Employers Single Touch Payroll is a Government initiated change in reporting obligations for all employers. Initially, large employers were obliged to report from 1 July 2018. Now, ALL employers must enter into the...
by Jo Voight | Mar 6, 2019 | Small Business, Xero Advisor
What’s the Difference Between Paperless and Digital? Are you aware of the difference between paperless business and digital business? Paperless business is definitely efficient, far more efficient and effective than using only paper-based systems. More efficient than...
by Jo Voight | Jul 19, 2018 | Coaching and Mentoring, Small Business
Healthy Business Boundaries I started writing this article with new bookkeepers in mind, who often struggle with saying “no” to business owners’ demands. It is a common challenge that newly qualified bookkeepers talk to me about: how to organise themselves around...
by Jo Voight | Jun 13, 2018 | Bookkeeper BAS Agent, Small Business
Small Business Compliance Obligations There are many compliance obligations that a small business owner must be aware of. Especially for new business owners, this can seem quite daunting at first! Not only do you need to be the creative entrepreneur who maintains the...