Jo Voight
Bookkeeper and BAS AgentBAS Agent Supervision and Registration Process
BAS Agent Supervision and Registration Process Once you have qualified with Certificate IV in Accounting and Bookkeeping, you will need to gain work experience as a bookkeeper or accounting technician. Once you have some practical experience with the day-to-day...
Ready to Upgrade Your Bookkeeping? Common Problems with DIY Bookkeeping Explained
Are you trying to do your own small business bookkeeping in Melbourne and finding it too demanding? It could be time to hand over your bookkeeping requirements to give you back time to focus on the essentials of running your business and what you’re good at. While...
Employee or Contractor?
Employee or Contractor – Why Does it Matter?We are hearing a lot more from the Fair Work Ombudsman these days about employers being penalised for not classifying a worker correctly as an employee or contractor, and therefore not paying them correctly. A worker in your...
How to Get Your Invoices Paid on Time
How to Get Your Invoices Paid on Time Many small and micro businesses face problems with customers paying late. Partial payment and dubious disputes over charges may also delay payment, causing unnecessary administrative costs and cash flow issues. Now that the new...
Prepare for Payment Summaries Now
Employee Payment Summaries are Due Soon – Get Ready Now It’s that time of year – 30 June is looming and employers need to provide payment summaries to employees by 14 July. That gives you only two weeks between the final pay run of the year and issuing payment...
Quick and Easy Guide to Employing People for Small Business
Are you Aware of Your Obligations When Employing People? Australia has some of the most complex payroll laws in the world. There is a great deal to take care of when employing people and increasingly we are seeing the Fair Work Ombudsman taking legal action against...
Single Touch Payroll Reporting Now For All Employers
Single Touch Payroll (STP) is Now Required for All Employers Single Touch Payroll is a Government initiated change in reporting obligations for all employers. Initially, large employers were obliged to report from 1 July 2018. Now, ALL employers must enter into the...
How Digital Business Processes Help Save Time and Money
What’s the Difference Between Paperless and Digital? Are you aware of the difference between paperless business and digital business? Paperless business is definitely efficient, far more efficient and effective than using only paper-based systems. More efficient than...
Thoughts About Healthy Business Boundaries for Service Professionals
Healthy Business Boundaries I started writing this article with new bookkeepers in mind, who often struggle with saying “no” to business owners’ demands. It is a common challenge that newly qualified bookkeepers talk to me about: how to organise themselves around...
Compliance Obligations – Don’t Let Them Get You Down!
Small Business Compliance Obligations There are many compliance obligations that a small business owner must be aware of. Especially for new business owners, this can seem quite daunting at first! Not only do you need to be the creative entrepreneur who maintains the...
Get in touch
Jo Voight
m: 0402 082 917