Jo Voight
Bookkeeper and BAS AgentYour Relationship With Money – How is it?
Money–it’s not just about the numbers! The relationship we have with money impacts ourselves, our life, our relationships more than the amount we have or don’t have.
Money is crucial to participating in our society and culture. It’s not the only way of course, but nevertheless, how we are with our money is vital to our wellbeing. Money plays a part in our physical, emotional, psychological and spiritual wellbeing whether we realise it or not.
Many people find talking about money is a taboo subject and “too hard”–yet we interact with it in some way every day. Why should it not be an easy and enjoyable subject to talk about? I can support you in a journey of learning about your relationship with money–and easy practical tools for managing your finances.
First, acknowledge and accept your true money situation and relationship as it is right now–no matter what it is–from there real change and evolution is possible.
Personal Money Relationship
- Are you in denial about money and financial management? Do you resist paying attention to your finances and hope that it will all ‘sort itself out’?
- Do you sabotage your financial wellbeing?
- Do you avoid responsibility for money knowledge, claiming you are ‘no good with maths’?
- Is financial stress impacting on your work, your well-being or your personal relationships?
- Would you like to have an open and easy relationship with money–regardless of how much you earn and how much is in your bank right now?
- Are you honest about how you use money? Are you addicted to spending on certain things?
- Have you ‘bought into’ the myth that how much is in your bank account equals your self-worth?
Business Money Relationship
- Do you have an honest and responsible relationship with your business partners or advisors in relation to business finances and performance?
- Are you questioning your integrity and values around money? And how you earn it? And how you spend it?
- Do you understand how much the business earns, what its expenses are and what your breakeven point is?
- Do you know how to read your business profit and loss statement and balance sheet?
- Do you understand the concepts of cashflow and budgeting?
- Do you find yourself being resentful about paying taxes and your legal and financial obligations as a business owner?
- Are you a slave to your own business because you feel you have to keep earning more–and therefore your personal balance, health and wellbeing suffers?
Do you Want to Change Your Money Management for the Better?
You can learn to have a great relationship with money regardless of your financial position. You can use your relationship with money as a tool for growth and empowerment and learn more about yourself along the way. You can establish healthy money practices by using practical tools appropriate to your level of understanding, budget and technology savvy.
I can help you bring responsibility, enjoyment and mindfulness to your relationship with money to reap positive impacts in many areas of your life. You will have a clearer understanding of the role money plays in your life, your stories and feelings about it, and you will realise that there are other (healthier and more joyful) ways of engaging with money than what you are currently used to.
Business owners can gain greater understanding and awareness of the financial health of your business by learning how to read reports and make informed, responsible and healthy financial decisions–and this can become an enjoyable part of consciously running your business well.
Get in touch
Jo Voight
m: 0402 082 917
I was blown away by how much insight I got from one money therapy session—insight into how much of my life has been affected by money dynamics held over from my family and previous relationships. How “money” which is another word for “energy exchange” plays out in my life is now becoming really obvious to me. I have always hated doing bookkeeping and thinking about money. Now I look forward to it and feel so much freer and lighter when I think about money in general, and more specifically, managing my own money with love instead of angst.

Jo had been looking after my bookkeeping for some time, always a great service. One time a couple of years back when we were together doing an end of year review, the subject of my relationship with money came up. It wasn’t great…I was spending money I didn’t really have and not looking at what was really going on in my business, always complaining about it—flying a bit blind and always hoping “things will work out”. She offered to assist me with looking at the dynamics of money stuff. I now realise how I was sabotaging myself in my business decisions because of emotional issues and mental attitudes that I just never thought about. Jo has helped me to unpack a lot of that and I am now making better business decisions because of her caring consideration, insight and practical help with understanding not only the financial reports and budgeting but also the human side of managing money. Very worthwhile time and money spent, as now I can understand my financial reports, my business is consistently making a profit and I am managing my financial obligations easily.